Building Collaborations

Facilitating U.S.-India Bilateral Research Collaborations

This is an effort to support research collaborations via a joint U.S.-India funding opportunity. The Building Collaborations workshop is being organized to provide a platform to form new teams and inspire ideas.


The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a Dear Colleague Letter encouraging joint U.S.-India research projects involving U.S. Principal Investigators (PIs) and Indian PIs affiliated with the Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems. U.S.-India collaborative projects at the intersection of research areas (e.g., AI, data science, edge computing, computer vision, IoT, and controls) and application areas (e.g., agriculture, health, climate, robotics, and future manufacturing) could accelerate the development of new technologies, tools, and systems for the mutual benefit of both societies and economies.

The Building Collaborations workshop, supported by the National Science Foundation, will facilitate new bilateral collaborations, helping to accelerate research and innovation, advance the frontiers of science, and strengthen the S&T engagement between the world's two largest democracies.

Accepting Applications: Building Collaborations: U.S. – India Workshop

Application Deadline: March 1, 2022

Participating Organizations


The Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) are part of a five-year, Rs 3200 crore (~$430 million USD) investment by DST under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems and comprise academic researchers and industry partners.

The six TIHs participating in the joint funding opportunity have provided a slide deck addressing Mission and Goals, Research Themes, Faculty Expertise, and a list of keywords to help U.S. PIs identify suitable partners.

Information about the TIHs and links to the presentation are provided below:

I-Hub Foundation for Cobotics

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

TIH Foundation for IoT and IoE

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Pravartak Technologies Foundation for Sensor, Networking, Actuators and Control Systems

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

iHub Drishti Foundation for Computer Vision, Augmented and Virtual Reality

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur

IDEAS - Institute of Data Engineering, Analytics, and Science Foundation

Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

IDAPT (Data Analytics and Predictive Technology) Hub Foundation

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi

Who should Apply to Participate in the Workshop?

U.S. PIs with active NSF awards (please refer below to the list of eligible programs) may register for the Workshop. All PIs are encouraged to review the information about the TIHs and their research themes provided above.

Workshop Application Process

If you have an active NSF grant through one of the nine eligible programs, have familiarized yourself with the work of the participating Technology Innovation Hubs, and hope to find an Indian partner with whom to submit coordinated proposals for funding, we invite you to submit an application.

Apply now

If applying, please be prepared to answer questions about your active NSF grant, your research expertise, the top 3 TIHs you would like to interact with during the workshop, and a brief description of potential areas for collaboration. Applications will be reviewed internally by the Organizing Committee, Innovation Lab mentors and NSF Program Officers. All research-related information will be kept confidential.

Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis for the first 50 applicants until March 1.

All other applicants will be placed on a waiting list. If the meeting capacity is increased, NSF will review the wait-listed applications and make the final selection.

Workshop Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Vipin Chaudhary

    Kevin J. Kranzusch Professor and Chair

    Department of Computer and Data Sciences, Case Western Reserve University

  • Dr. Nandini Kannan

    Executive Director

    Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum

Apply now